Favorite Bible Verse for the week!

Do not boast about tomorrow, For you do not know what a day may bring forth. Proverbs 27:1

How often do we make plans and get excited about those plans and then something happens and those plans fall through and we get upset. Just wondering! DO we pray first about those plans. and then made the plans I think my/our plans would actually not fall through as often. Leave a comment.

Thursday, September 26, 2013


I was working (watching my husband and Brother) work on our rental property. I took 3 of our children over. They love just going around the place and investigating. I looked out and smiled. I seen my youngest girl out in the swampy part of the lake trying to catch frogs. You have to understand she is the princess. She loves wearing dresses (in fact she is wearing one today) and usually hates getting dirty.  She does have dresses for play/barn but some are strictly for good/church.  Luckily she was wearing a barn one. She was helping her sister and brother try to catch some frogs so I can cook the frogs up so they can eat them. I am not sure if I would cook them, I do not know how since I have never done it. But they did not fight or complain or argue. They had fun and I enjoyed seeing them have fun. That is still my youngest girls favorite thing to do over there. It is sooo weird how much she loves it wince she usually picks the prettiest things to wear. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

what clothes do you wear?


This article is about what we wear to church and how we should be modest at church as well as every where we go and what we do.  I would like to know How do you dress? Do you dress modestly? What is the most difficult problem you have when dressing modestly?

I find that the extra layers make we too warm. I need something to cover my cleavage, something so that when I sit my underwear do not show, besides the normal undergarments that are normally worn.  It gets warm usually too warm and I am usually cold.
So what is your problem when trying to dress modestly?

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Busy Busy Busy Summer

Well my summer seems to be flying by and I feel like I need to slow down.  I have been taking My oldest daughter to work and picking her up 4 and 1/2 hrs later. I have to make bars today for youth group ( they are having dinner there today) and go early for worship team practice and Bible study while the kids are at youth group.  I just was asked by my youngest if I was going unload hay. There is 5 loads to unload today. It seems like we are going somewhere everyday doing something everyday. Tomorrow evening we have a meeting for my DD job and then she needs to learn face painting. We will be eating at the meeting. Friday I am supposed to go to lunch with a friend I have not seen for a few months and before that it was at least a year. Saturday My DD#2 and her friends are coming over for an unbirthday party for all of them. We were invited to a birthday party for a friends boy and Sunday is church and I get to work in the nursery. Monday it is drive my DD to work again and home.

I guess I need to pray for strength to be able to do the jobs I have to do today. 
Dear heavenly Father, Please forgive my sins that I have committed. Help to walk with your Spirit so that I do not say anything that should not be said. Help me to do my work diligently and HAPPILY. Help me to focus on you today and be able to do all that is on my to do list. I ask this in Jesus name , Amen

Friday, July 12, 2013

I read on Facebook this post. IT said a young woman asked her grandmother how she did it. How she dealt with adversity. The grandmother put on 3 pots of boiling water. I one pot she put in carrots, another she put eggs and the third she put in coffee and waited about 20 minutes. What happened to the boiled things? well the carrot got soft, the egg got hard and the coffee changed its adversity into something good. Grandma then asked which are you, the carrot, egg or coffee? 

So how do you handle adversity that comes to your life?  Do you let it soften you? or does it harden you? or do you change the adversity into something good? 

You can read the whole post at my facebook page www.facebook.com/debbrielbrown

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I was taking my morning walk with my sister in law and we decided to add to our normal walk. So we went in one of our fields that the cows graze in.  When we turned around to walk home there was this pretty wild rose along the fence. The plant is only about 2-5 inches tall only 1 rose on it but I thought it was a very pretty rose. There are other rose plants there but only 1 had a rose. It automatically cheered me up not that I was down but I just needed a little cheering up.  I thought immediately how gracious my God is. You see I did not walk that way normally and there had been cows in it a few days before and this little plant never got trampled or laid on. Today I went back to the same place and the petals were already falling off so the life span of that rose was pretty short. It struck me as coincidental that I just happened to walk that way when it bloomed.  Now you might be wondering who my walking partner is well she is my sister in law. My brother married a wonderful lady and they ended up moving east from California and landing here in Wisconsin. I am so glad they are here for the first time I have family that are actually staying for awhile (they plan on at least a year) but they both have jobs and are getting roots started here. I enjoy having MY family close by. I was the first one of my siblings that left the area we grew up in. I have stayed away the longest, i have not been back since 95. I moved because I knew God was leading me to move way out to the great unknown of Wisconsin (haha).  Eventually my sister came out to but she soon did not need her big sister to show her around she eventually got a life of her own. That life eventually took her 2 hrs away. My brother went to California and soon followed by another brother. The middle brother recently moved to Kentucky and my brother moved here not long after. The only one still in the original state is the oldest but he is a couple hrs from where we grew up.  

So what is God showing you? Where is God taking you? For what?

Monday, June 24, 2013

I have been seeing a lot of turtles trying to cross the road since it has finally gotten warm enough for them to lay eggs.  It got me thinking how sometimes life seems to go so slow that everyone is passing us. Our trials seem to take forever before we get out of them.  The heat is building character while we wait on the LORD to finish His good work in us.   Sometimes I do not want to wait I want my problems (well I think are problems) fixed right now or better yet yesterday. I don't want to wait on the LORD isn't he the God that created the whole world, and universe and animals and bugs and fish and birds all in 6 days? Why can't he help me out and get me over this.  Why because I need more work than all of that did. I am so human and need the Spirit to help me and cleanse me. 
      My Life seems to be so filled that I have no room to fit anything else in but yet my trials are staying. Granted my trials are not as hard as some peoples but I am not enjoying this trip across the road (like the turtle.)
     I know that these trials are good but I do not like it when they are happening. My suggestion that I am trying to put into practice, is to call on God for comfort, strength, grace and mercy and mostly LOVE to others. 
   What do you think what are the ways you get through them?

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Wow busy summer

Well we had a busy summer this year, so far.  We have had 8 graduation invites. I have 2 kids off to camp. One comes back tomorrow and the other does not come back til a week from tomorrow. I hope they are having fun and learning about God. My Daughter is at summer missionary training.  She will be teaching 5 day clubs in backyards and churches this summer. leading little ones to Christ and sharing stories. What a great experience she will have. SO I will be driving to take her to the places she needs to go and picking her up at the end of the day, every day every week well almost every week.  Some weeks I will wonder how to pick her up and how to pick up the other kids from camp but I guess that is what dad is for, right?

So tell me how are YOU spending you summer? What are you doing for fun and excitement?